Parashat Terumah: Building Community Parashat Terumah (Exodus 25:1–27:19) opens with God speaking to Moses: “Speak to the Israelites, and let them take for Me a gift (terumah); from every person whose heart so moves them.” This verse introduces a key theme of the parasha: giving as an act of the heart. The construction of the Mishkan(Tabernacle), a sacred space […]
Tools for Challenging Times
Parashat Yitro is one of the most pivotal moments in the Torah—the revelation at Mount Sinai, where the Jewish people received the Aseret HaDibrot, the Ten Commandments. This awe-inspiring event was more than just the giving of laws; it was a Divine encounter, a sacred covenant that shaped the moral and spiritual foundation of Judaism. Jewish […]
Reflect, Release & Reimagine
Chodesh Tov, Friends! Journaling is one of my most cherished spiritual practices, and I’ve explored many different types of journaling over the years, including gratitude journaling, omer journaling, grief journaling, doodle journaling and prayer journaling. I’ve also journaled at Rosh Chodesh to set intentions for the new month, and invite you to join me in […]
Sojourn into Spaciousness
I have a kavannah—an intention—to use my art and words to help build community and support those navigating challenging times. For the past few years, I’ve been sharing my art and liturgy primarily on Facebook and Instagram. However, this week, I decided to take a step toward connecting with community outside of social media. If you’re […]