Prayer Journaling: A Creative Path to Connection
Prayer Journaling is a spiritual practice, akin to mindfulness meditation, that can be embraced at any stage of life. It enables both those who walk in faith, as well as those who don’t pray regularly, to cope with life’s challenges and grow closer to God by putting pen to paper. Using pages from Joanne’s new book, My Prayer Journal, participants will be able to try different prayer journaling techniques, and will leave with bonus templates to use at home. What you will discover:
- How to incorporate different types of prayers into your Prayer Journal.
- Easy-to-do mindfulness-based creative techniques like coloring, which can be used to add an artistic flair to your Prayer Journal.
- The art of writing personalized prayers to express what’s in your heart.
- The health benefits of keeping a Prayer Journal.
I’m interested! Let’s discuss scheduling the Prayer Journaling workshop.