Chodesh Tov, Friends!
Journaling is one of my most cherished spiritual practices, and I’ve explored many different types of journaling over the years, including gratitude journaling, omer journaling, grief journaling, doodle journaling and prayer journaling.
I’ve also journaled at Rosh Chodesh to set intentions for the new month, and invite you to join me in this practice. Here are some sample questions and the prayer I created to greet this new month of Shevat.

Remember & Reflect
Look back over the past month with gratitude & awareness:
- What challenges arose and how did you handle them?
- What meaningful moment(s) inspired you?
- What are you most grateful for from the past month?
Release & Reset
Identify what no longer serves you and make space for new possibilities:
- What thoughts, habits, or patterns are you willing to release?
- How can you shift your perspective on a recent challenge?
- What intentions are you setting for this month?
Renew & Reimagine
Outline your hopes, dreams, prayers and blessings for this new month:
- May I be blessed with _________
- May I have the strength to____________
- May I grow in _________

May the month of Shevat be a month of blessings:
blessings of goodness, blessings of joy,
courage, connection and confidence,
strength, serenity and security.
May we know the blessings of a caring community;
physical well-being, peace, friendship and love.
May we feel called to use our gifts to make a difference for others
and may we be beacons of truth, justice and hope.
May the light of our souls always shine out into the world as kindness.
May it be so. Ken yehi ratzon.
Shevat is the eleventh month in the Hebrew calendar and is most well-known for Tu B’Shvat, the New Year for Trees, which falls on the 15th of the month. This month is associated with growth, renewal, and nourishment, both physically and spiritually. Just as trees begin to awaken from their winter dormancy, Shevat invites us to nurture our own spiritual roots and reflect on what we are cultivating in our lives.

If you, or someone you know, likes to color (a great mindful activity!), click here to download these Tu B’Shevat Coloring Pages.
Lastly, my heart goes out to the friends, families and communities of the 67 people who died in the air crash this week. May their memories be for blessing.

As always, you are welcome to share (with attribution, please!).
Shabbat Shalom,
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