I have a kavannah—an intention—to use my art and words to help build community and support those navigating challenging times. For the past few years, I’ve been sharing my art and liturgy primarily on Facebook and Instagram. However, this week, I decided to take a step toward connecting with community outside of social media.
If you’re wondering why you’re receiving this, it’s because at some point over the past few years, you signed up for my Joanne Fink Judaica newsletter and/or requested coloring pages, an illustrated prayer, or a piece of art from me. You are welcome to unsubscribe if you’re no longer interested—and you are also welcome to invite others who might enjoy my work to sign up.
This week I want to share a few timely resources.
A Prayer for California
This prayer is for those in California who are facing the devastation of wildfires. My heart is with everyone affected.

As the Fires Burn
We turn to You, Eternal Protector, in this time of anguish.
Shocked and shattered, our souls shriek in disbelief
The enormity of the losses and the depth of devastation
defies comprehension.
How could this possibly be happening?
We pray for gentle rains to quench the flames,
to heal the scorched earth,
and to bring hope to those whose lives
have been irrevocably altered.
We pray for the firefighters on the front lines.
Keep them safe as they work to save others.
Provide the resources to end this nightmare.
We pray for those in the fire’s path.
Guard the families fleeing their homes;
and guide them to safety and shelter.
Comfort those who have lost loved ones,
and those whose homes, livelihoods,
and cherished belongings have been destroyed.
Send compassionate and skilled first responders,
and abundant aid to those in need.
Grant us the capacity to cope with unprecedented uncertainty
and the courage to face what lies ahead.
Today, as we witness indescribable hardship, pain, and sorrow,
may we find solace in our shared grief and in the support of caring communities.
Strengthen and sustain us and show us how to navigate these challenging times.
Shine Your Healing Light on us, and those we hold in our hearts,
and remind us that we are NOT alone.
A Design for International Holocaust Remembrance Day
I created this design to commemorate International Holocaust Remembrance Day, observed annually on January 27th. This day marks the anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz-Birkenau in 1945 and honors the six million Jews and millions of others who were victims of the Holocaust. It is a time to promote Holocaust education, remember the victims, and reaffirm our commitment to fighting antisemitism, racism, and hatred to ensure that “Never Again” becomes a reality.

A Design Inspired by This Week’s Torah Portion, Va’eira

And, lastly, the design and prayer that emerged this week when I gave myself the gift of spaciousness, and took time away from social media and the news.

Sojourn into S P A C I O U S N E S S
May this Shabbat
bring a stillness
deep enough to hear
the echo of
your soul’s song
and a spaciousness
open enough
for your heart
to find where it belongs.
As always, you are welcome to share (with attribution, please!).
Shabbat Shalom,
Thanks Joanne! As aways beautiful and inspiring ❤️
i’ve appreciated your artwork over the years Joanne. This Sojourn into Spaciousness piece is so very evocative however, that I would put it in a category all by itself.
It reminds me of a childhood memory jumping waves in Lake Huron. The waves were very high and choppy. Later, sprawled on the beach, I realized my body was still attuned to their motion.